Athens Land Trust continues to coordinate regular tele-meetings with the West Broad Advisory Board to discuss and plan neighborhood initiatives that affect residents and strengthen relationships between residents and city partners. Post-COVID tele-meetings have included updates about energy retrofit projects in partnership with the Athens-Clarke County Sustainability Office, transportation ESPLOST updates, and opportunities for tree planting. There have also been presentations and information shared by the Transportation SPLOST Committee, Board of Elections, The US Census, and the School of Forestry at UGA.
The Advisory Board has also worked tirelessly to stay connected with residents through a phone tree project to call assigned residents and alert them to resources as soon as we are notified, including food distributions, COVID testing centers, and any concerns posed by our residents.
The next Advisory Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 16th, and is the first meeting of a series entitled “Protecting our Legacy”. This series, which is led by Advisory Board members and partners, will discuss future and estate planning. There will be guest speakers discussing the importance of life insurance, setting up a will, and how to ensure property is passed on to the next generation.
The West Broad Advisory Board is supported by the Department of Education and Empowerment at Athens Land Trust. Tawana Mattox, who directs the department says, “The goal is to empower residents through education and awareness as a guide on the side, not a sage on the stage.